Morgan Advanced Materials

EU whistleblowing directive - Italy

Central to the Morgan leadership behaviours is always working safely and ethically, and everything we do in must have this ethos at the core. We are proud to conduct our business the right way, in compliance with the laws of the territories in which we operate.

The EU whistleblowing directive - Italy
The 'Directive' seeks to introduce a universal and comprehensive protection standard across the bloc whereby companies are obliged to establish whistleblowing channels and retaliation is prohibited. 

The new Italian law obliges private and public sector entities to establish internal reporting channels that guarantee the highest levels of confidentiality. Reports can also be made to the Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione (National Anti-corruption Authority) provided the internal channel has been used in advance. This can occur in the following situations:

  • Where the mandatory activation of the internal reporting channel has not occurred or is unreliable in terms of confidentiality guarantees
  • When a report has been made without follow up or there is a risk of retaliation
  • If the violation in question poses an imminent or obvious danger to the public

How the 'Directive' applies to Morgan

(Thermal Ceramics Italiana srl)
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